
  • Yearbook of Data Protection

    The Data Protection Yearbook is an open-access legal journal. It aims to disseminate studies on data protection law. The journal has been published since 2018 by the Personal Data Protection Observatory, a research group created in 2016 at CEDIS – Research & Development Centre on Law and Society, the Research Unit of NOVA School of Law, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. CEDIS is funded by FCT, I.P. (Foundation for Science and Technology, Public Institute), through national funds from the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, under projects UIDB/00714/2020 and UIDP/00714/2020.

  • NOVA Tax Research Series

    What characterizes NOVA Tax Research Lab is that its organization and the development of its work are anchored in an integrated and inclusive vision of taxation, with a humanistic and holistic imprint. We are a research centre that refuses individual work driven by thematic fashions, just as we do not intend to follow a path of individualised research. Instead, we want to contribute to a refocusing of the fiscal system, identifying the big picture, zooming in and zooming out, designing a school of thought that is able to innovate and revitalise the building, reflecting, rethinking, and, above all, the necessary rede sign of contemporary fiscal systems. It is realistic but certain that a macroscopic vision of the whole is necessary to reconfigure the creation, application, monitoring, and evaluation of tax rules, procedures, and impacts. Our main goal is to create social value with a relevant impact. It is essential to define the fundamental areas for reflection and research.

  • Revista de Direito do Consumo

    A Revista de Direito do Consumo sucede ao Anuário do NOVA Consumer Lab, que foi publicado de 2019 a 2023.  O NOVA Consumer Lab tem como missão o desenvolvimento de atividades relacionadas com o Direito do Consumo, designadamente em matéria de cláusulas contratuais gerais, publicidade, preços, práticas comerciais desleais, venda de bens de consumo, serviços públicos essenciais (água, eletricidade, gás, comunicações eletrónicas, entre outros), serviços financeiros (incluindo crédito ao consumo e crédito imobiliário), alojamento, transporte, economia digital e seus desafios (big data, internet of things, dados pessoais, criptodireito, conteúdos digitais, impressoras 3D), regulação e resolução de litígios (incluindo mediação e arbitragem de consumo).

    Aproveitando a experiência de quase duas décadas da NOVA School of Law no acompanhamento e resolução de litígios de consumo, na UMAC – Unidade de Mediação e Acompanhamento de Conflitos de Consumo (a que o NOVA Consumer Lab sucede), o NOVA Consumer Lab mantém a aposta clara na relação entre as componentes prática e teórica, abrindo a Faculdade à comunidade através da execução das suas atividades.

    O objetivo passa por criar um polo que permita abarcar diversas atividades, que podem ou não ser desenvolvidas em simultâneo: informação, formação, investigação, estudos e pareceres, resolução de litígios, revista e outras atividades editoriais, estágios, conteúdos digitais, apoio a consumidores, empresas e outras entidades.

    O NOVA Consumer Lab conta com todos e está disponível para desenvolver e apoiar quaisquer iniciativas que se enquadrem nos seus objetivos.

  • Book Collection "Law and Society"

    CEDIS Press is the editorial vehicle of CEDIS, a privileged, open and plural platform for the dissemination of scientific production on Law and Society. Our aim is to encourage critical and innovative scientific reflection, interact with society and have a direct impact on legislation, case law and public policies. CEDIS Press is hosting the Law and Society E-Book Collection.

    Our editorial policy in relation to the Law and Society Collection is guided by the principles of “Open Science”, which ensure rigorous evaluation through double blind peer-review, the availability of content in open access, guaranteeing the wide dissemination of knowledge, and the absence of any costs for authors, promoting equity and unrestricted access to scientific publication.