About the Journal

The Data Protection Yearbook is an open-access legal journal. It aims to disseminate studies on data protection law. The journal has been published since 2018 by the Personal Data Protection Observatory, a research group created in 2016 at CEDIS – Research & Development Centre on Law and Society, the Research Unit of NOVA School of Law, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. CEDIS is funded by FCT, I.P. (Foundation for Science and Technology, Public Institute), through national funds from the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, under projects UIDB/00714/2020 and UIDP/00714/2020.

Article Submission

Articles must be submitted anonymously via this platform, following the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition, Author-Date format.

Article Evaluation

The editorial team will conduct a preliminary assessment of the article to check its relevance, originality, and suitability for the scope of our journal. After the initial assessment, articles deemed suitable for our journal will undergo an individual double-blind peer-review process: each anonymous manuscript will be reviewed by two external experts, whose anonymity will be maintained.

Final Decision

Based on the reviewers' opinions, we will make a final decision on the publication of the manuscript, which may be acceptance, acceptance with mandatory revisions, or rejection.

Notification of Decision

Authors will be informed of the final decision along with the reviewers’ opinions. If revisions are necessary, authors must submit them by the specified deadline. The revised manuscript will undergo a new evaluation before the final decision to publish is made.


Authors retain full copyright and are solely responsible for the content of their articles. Any images used in the articles are the sole responsibility of the authors, and proof of rights must be provided in documentary form. Mention of the copyright of the images will be included in the article's technical file.

Open Access

All publications follow an open access policy, with each publication assigned a DOI. We reserve the right to make all content available in open access in the institutional repository of Universidade Nova de Lisboa (RUN) and/or on other academic publishing platforms, under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence (CC BY 4.0).

Self-Archiving Policy

Authors are authorized to deposit the editor’s final version in any repository, with no embargo period.


We do not charge any fees for submitting, reviewing, or publishing articles.